
Therapy Options
Telehealth visits from your location anywhere in the state of Michigan

In person
In person visits at one of our two locations in Okemos, MI or Jackson, MI

Who Should See Us

This list of categories is not an exhaustive list of all of the specialties provided by our mental health therapists. This list of categories is a quick link to some of our specialties. Additionally, we welcome you to continue to explore all of our service areas.

Find Therapists That Specialize In:
Domestic Violence
Stress/Family Systems
Stress/Self Esteem
Holistic Belief about Therapy
Our core belief is that mental health counseling is part of recognizing the whole person, taking into account family, social, physical and medical factors. We acknowledge that all of these systems are interwoven and contribute to the overall functioning of the individual.
Humanistic Approach
This approach believes that we can assist the individual to rely on his or herself more confidently. We help the person focus on what they know about themselves and use their own healthy strengths as well as build new coping techniques. This approach emphasizes personal security, resilience, accountability, and flexibility. The goal with the humanistic approach is to improve self-empowerment while building self-esteem.
Integration of Care
We support the notion of integrated care which includes a continuum of health care services. We understand that you may have support from your primary care physician, psychiatrist, attorney, or school counselor, and we are willing to collaborate with those entities on your behalf. All communications with outside organizations or individuals must be in accordance with confidentiality and HIPAA laws.
Confidentiality is the cornerstone of any therapy practice and must be adhered to at all times without question. At the Wellness Institute of Michigan, we comply with appropriate federal and state confidentiality guidelines. During the first visit to the office, the patient is provided information and forms which indicate the exact nature of our obligations to assure patient confidentiality.
Please feel free to ask your therapist for more details if you have questions.